iHR | Immersive Hybrid Reality

Safely training trade workers in any context

The immersive Hybrid Reality (iHR) system is a novel mixed reality system that enables college apprentices to perform actual tasks while being immersed within virtual but realistic site conditions. The teachnology uniquely integrates state-of-the-art real-time localization technologies and wearable immersive display (VR/AR goggles). The iHR system is being developed in collaboration with Edinburgh College who also provided us with a deployment environment.


A iHR-powered system is presented over the whole summer 2018 to the Great Exhibitiion of the Noth 2018 in Newcastle. This exhibit is developed with our partners ORE Catapult, Animmersion UK Ltd, and Energy Skills Partnership (ESP).

The iHR in action. As can be seen the system integrates in real-time the visual and structural contents of the real and virtual worlds. The second part of the video shows the larger 6DOF motion tracking system that we are integrating with our iHR system.

The iHR in action. As can be seen the system integrates in real-time the visual and structural contents of the real and virtual worlds. The second part of the video particularly shows how this enables the user to interact with both real and virtual objects (here a virtual joystick and then a real one).

The iHR in action. The video particularly shows how the iHR functionality enables the user to interact bare-hands with virtual objects (here a cube).

The iHR in action in a wind turbine training game. As can be seen the system integrates in real-time the visual and structural contents of the real and virtual worlds.

Introduction of the iHR system, with a scene where the user walks on a steel beam high up above Philadelphia.

Academic Publications

Year Authors, date, title and journal PDF web
2019 Hassan M., Carozza L., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. S., (2019), "Effectiveness of a Novel Untethered Augmented Virtuality System for Immersive Industrial Training", 36th International Conference of CIB W78, pp. 986-998.   web
2016 Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. S., Carozza L. (2016), "Towards a mixed reality system for construction trade training", ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 04015016. PDF web
- Anagnostakis D., Ritchie J., Lim T., Sivanatha A., Dewar R., Bosch&eacute F., Carozza L. (2016), "Knowledge Capture in CMM Inspection Planning: Barriers and Challenges", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV2016) -- CIRP Procedia, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, Oct 4-7, pp. 216-221 (Open Access). PDF web
2015 Carozza, L., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. S. (2015), "An immersive hybrid reality system for construction training", International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR), Banff, Canada, Oct 5-7. PDF web
2014 Carozza L., Bosché F.,Abdel-Wahab, M. S. (2014), "Robust 6-DOF immersive navigation using commodity hardware", 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 11-13, pp. 19-22 PDF web
- Carozza L., Bosché F.,Abdel-Wahab, M. S. (2014), "Visual-inertial 6-DOF localization for a wearable immersive VR/AR system", International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Munich, Germany, Sep. 1-1, p. 257-258 PDF web
2013 Carozza L., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. (2013), "Image-based localization for an indoor VR/AR construction training system", 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR), London, UK, Oct. 30-31. pp. 363-372. PDF web

Professional and Public Publications

Year Authors, title and date Link
2018 Exhibit at The Great Exhibition of the North 2018, "Immersive Hybrid Reality Offshore Wind Turbine", June 2018. link
- OffshoreWIND.biz, "UK Arts Minister Immerses in Offshore Wind with ORE Catapult", June 2018. link
- ORE Catapult, "Arts Minister reaches new (virtual) heights at Great Exhibition of the North", Press Release, June 2018. link
- 4C Offshore, "Great Exhibition of the North Opens", June 2018. link
2017 Circuit (by Offshoe Renewable Enegy Catapult), "Immersive Hybrid Reality laboratory unveiled at Fife College", Issue 11, p.15, 2017. link
- Wind Energy Network, "State-of-the-Art System for Wind Turbine Maintenance Training", Issue 41, p.35, 2017. link
- EnviroTec, "Fife students reach new heights with virtual reality training for offshore wind turbine technicians", June 2017. link
- GTM (GreenTechMedia), "Renewables Sector Embraces the Promise of Virtual Reality", June 2017. link
- Fife College, "Fife College Students Reach New Heights With World-leading Offshore Wind Training Laboratory ", June 2017. link
2016 Construction Global, "Game on: how gaming technology can transform the construction industry", August 2016. link
- Sacyr Global Innovation Blog, "Los obreros de la construcción quieren garantías de que sus datos se usarán para fines de salud y seguridad", 4 July 2016. link
- Construction Manager, "Gaming and Virtual Reality - the Future of Construction Training?", 19 April 2016. link
- Scottish Construction Now, "And finally... Virtual reality gaming set to make construction a safer place", 18 April 2016. link
- Our SkillsForce (Skills Development Scotland), "School pupils get hi-tech tour of construction sector", 29 March 2016. link
- CIOB News, "Construction's greatest thinkers and innovators are put into the spotlight", 8 March 2016. link
- Bosché F., "CyberBuild Lab - Capture it. Process it. Visualize it.", Magazine of th Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) Special Feature, 4 November 2015. link
2015 CIOB BIM+, "Research team reveals immersive ‘hybrid reality’ H&S training tool", 21 September 2015. link
- BIM Crunch, "Best BIM Bad BIM: Alex MacLaren", 20 July 2015. link
2014 CITB News, "Innovation is critical to Scotland's future", 15 October 2014. link
- CITB News, "Construction showcases latest advances in training", 14 June 2014. link
- The Scotsman, "Back to the future for the next Scottish craftsmen", 11 April 2014. link
- Edinburgh College News, "Construction showcases latest advances in training", 2014. link
2013 CITB News, "Virtual reality puts students on top of skyscrapers", 17 December 2013. link
- Heriot-Watt News, "New construction training lab launches", 11 December 2013. link

Invited Talks

Year Talk details Link
2019 Bosché F. (2019), "Hybrid Reality: Visual and Structural Mixed Reality", Lectern Session - Immersive
and Virtual Environments in Transportation Construction, US Transportation
Research Board (TRB)
, Washington DC, USA, 16 January 2019.
2018 Bosché F. (2018), "Hybrid Reality- Visually and Structurally Mixed Reality", Seminar Series of the Laing O'Rourke/RAEng Chair in Systems Integration, Imperial College London, London, UK, 19 September 2018.  
- Bosché F. (2018), "Hybrid Reality - Visual and Structural Mixed Reality", Keynote Speaker at the International Symposium for Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Berlin, Germany, 24 July 2018.  
- Bosché F. (2018), "CyberBuild Lab - Digital Technologies for Construction", Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC), Blantyre, UK, 21 May 2018.  
2017 Bosché F. (2017), "CyberBuild Lab - Digital Technologies for Construction", Seminar Series of the Chair for Computing in Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, May 2017. link
2015 Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M., Carozza L., Sivanathan A. and Valero E., (2015), "ICE Project", Association for Project Safety (APS) BIM for Health and Safety (BIM4H&S) conference, London, UK, 16 September 2015.  


Year Details
2017 Heriot-Watt University Principal's Public Engagement Team Award for the `Year of Robotics' team.
2017 UK Career Development Award for Best Practice in the Use of Technology in Career Development.
2016 CIOB International Innovation & Research Highly Commended Award in the Innovation in Education & Training Award category for the iHR system.


CITB - Construction Industry Training Board
ESP Energy Skills Partnership
Edinburgh College
Fife College
Fife College
Catapult Offshore Renewable Energy
Great Exhibition of the North 2018
Immersive Hybrid Reality (iHR) system
Immersive Hybrid Reality (iHR) system