The Activity Tracking Body Area Network (AT-BAN) system is a novel wearable system for recording the motion (and other physiological information) of a trainee or on-site worker and processing that data to infer valuable information about the sustainability of the worker's activity with regard to health and safety. The AT-BAN system is being developed with the valuable support of Edinburgh College and Forth Valley College.
This video shows the AT-BAN system being used by trainees in a college (Forth Valley College). In this video the trainess wear a system composed of 8 sensors.
This video shows the AT-BAN system being used by trainees in a college (Forth Valley College). In this video the trainess wear a system composed of 8 sensors.
This video shows the AT-BAN system being used by trainees in a college (Forth Valley College). Only back movements are shown here.
This video shows the AT-BAN system being used by trainees in a college (Forth Valley College). Only leg movements are shown here.
Academic Publications
Year | Authors, date, title and journal | web | |
2017 | Valero E., Sivanathan A., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. (2017), "Analysis of Construction Trade Worker Body Motions Using a Wearable and Wireless Motion Sensor Network", Automation in Construction, Vol. 83, pp. 48-55. | web | |
2016 | Valero E., Sivanathan A., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. (2016), "Musculoskeletal Disorders in Construction: A Review and a Novel System for Activity Tracking with Body Area Network", Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 54, pp. 120–130. | web | |
2014 | Sivanathan A., Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M. S., Lim, T. (2014), "Towards a cyber-physical gaming system for training in the construction and engineering industry" [POSTER], ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE, Buffalo, New York, USA, Aug. 17, p. 1-9 | web |
Professional and Public Publications
Year | Authors, title and date | Link |
2016 | Construction Global, "Game on: how gaming technology can transform the construction industry", August 2016. | link |
- | CIOB News, "Construction's greatest thinkers and innovators are put into the spotlight", 8 March 2016. | link |
2015 | Bosché F., "CyberBuild Lab - Capture it. Process it. Visualize it.", Magazine of th Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) Special Feature, 4 November 2015. | link |
Invited Talks
Year | Talk details | Link |
2018 | Bosché F. (2018), "CyberBuild Lab - Digital Technologies for Construction", Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC), Blantyre, UK, 21 May 2018. | |
2017 | Bosché F. (2017), "CyberBuild Lab - Digital Technologies for Construction", Seminar Series of the Chair for Computing in Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, May 2017. | link |
2015 | Bosché F., Abdel-Wahab M., Carozza L., Sivanathan A. and Valero E., (2015), "ICE Project", Association for Project Safety (APS) BIM for Health and Safety (BIM4H&S) conference, London, UK, 16 September 2015. |
Year | Details |
2016 | CIOB International Innovation & Research Premier Award in the Digital Innovation Award category for the AT-BAN system. |